Tuesday 27 August 2019

2019/20 Predictor Challenge Launch

Last years Predictor Challenge came following a small wager (which we lost as we returned only a 71% success rate).  But things grew and we ended up with 296 entrants submitting just under 13,000 predictions.

The overall success rate 68% (so at least we're better than average), but it was Gordon Milne who stole the plaudits with a success rate of 78.9% from 223 predictions submitted.

Over the duration, our random selections scored 53% from 302 predictions - which we're guessing the statisticians amongst us will say is about right.

We will launch the 2019/20 Challenge on Wednesday, 28th August, based on the same principle as last season.

Entries will be collected via  Google Form.

Through the course of last season, we created full rules to deal with a bit of gaming of our system, which we'll implement again this year.

  • To be eligible, submit a full league worth of fixtures (don't pick and choose the obvious ones).
  • A minimum of five fixtures must be played for results to count from a weekend.
  • As the season progresses, we'll set a minimum number of submitted predictions for qualification for the overall league table 

We had some issues last year with duplicate nicknames, so this season we'll ask for an e-mail address as a unique identifier.  We will not publish the email address, only nicknames submitted with the entry, nor use it for anything other than contact an entrant in relation to the Predictor Challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Entrants should have to predict every game over all 3 leagues every week as that's the only fair way, can still pick and choose results if only picking one league and only have to enter a full fixture list once.
